A common genealogy of racial violence in Palestine/Israel and Apartheid South Africa: modernity, coloniality and barbarism
Palestine Question, Apartheid, racism, human rights, modernityAbstract
In the new millennium, from reports by NGOs to street demonstrations, passing through the reporting produced within the UN system, comparisons between racial discrimination and violence in Palestine/Israel and apartheid South Africa have spread, with such typification being also applied to the Middle-Eastern case. This article operates a bibliographical review, crossing different authors, who think both modernity and coloniality in general and these situations in particular, in order to present some interpretative possibilities of the interrelationships between the cases. After a brief introduction, the text takes a more generalizing spatial and temporal approach, inserting the cases in the structure of modernity-coloniality. It then reduces the scale of analysis, contextualizing and directly comparing specific objects, both from their respective interpreters and from international institutions and human rights reports. Finally, the violations practiced are again interpreted based on the bibliography. We found that, in addition to their historical specificities, ethno-colonial ideologies and their respective national states are connected with the broader temporality of modernity and spatiality of coloniality, permeated by physical and symbolic violence against non-European alterities.
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