
Period for submission: March 4th to May 30th 2024


When proposing the analysis of a certain spatial area, alluding to the territorial approach is conceiving the territory as a fundamental reference. Territory is conceived as a social construction resulting from accumulations, inherited from a distant or more recent past, and it is contemporaneously expressed in the social, economic, natural, cultural, institutional, human and intellectual dimensions - all of which constitute territorial heritage. In short, the territorial approach to development serves a central purpose, which is to be an alternative for overcoming analyses of spatial areas, whether rural or urban, centred on disciplinary and/or sectorial procedures, as well as presenting itself as a condition for carrying out studies that take on an interdisciplinary, multidimensional, multiscale perspective of totality and complexity. It is reaffirmed that the territorial approach considers territory as part of the spatial totality, in which diversity, relationality and interaction between actors are expressed, the interdependence between dimensions (both material and immaterial), being the locus of manifestation of territorial productive systems, of mediation and interdependence between human beings, other species of life and physical-natural elements. (DALLABRIDA; BÜTTENBENDER; ROTTA, 2021).

Based on the European experience in the last two decades, Brazil and Latin America have been testing the territorial approach application to development policies, especially those aimed at rural areas. The territorial approach to development has been seen as a paradigmatic advance (SAQUET, 2018) in recent years, and much has already been written on the topic. However, there is still a need to deepen its epistemic-theoretical foundations; in particular, the definition of more suitable methodological references for diagnostic analysis and the prospection of development alternatives that take territorial perspective into account.

In order to effectively address the debate on the 'Territorial Approach to Development,' a Special Issue is proposed, to be published in the second half of 2024. The Special Issue will have the support of members from the Ibero-American Network of Studies on Territorial Development and Governance (REDETEG) and the Brazilian Network of Research and Management in Territorial Development (RETE).

In this Special Issue, the aim is to bring together a set of articles that will enable researchers, students, public and private administrators to gain a deeper understanding of the epistemic-theoretical-methodological parameters and to deepen their understanding of the challenges of practicing the territorial approach. The Special Issue will welcome articles from researchers discussing the topic in question and may also include articles from guest authors. The Editorial Committee will choose between 10 and 20 articles from the submissions received, prioritising the ones that that come closest to the thematic axes focus. The other articles shall be used in the continuous flow of the host journal or other journals in the PUR-H-Capes area, as long as they have their authors' consent.




  • Central Thematic Axes

* Genesis of the approach or territorial approach and its evolution

* The territory category as central in the conception of territorial development

* Epistemic-theoretical references that underpin the territorial approach

* Theoretical-methodological approaches converging with the territorial approach

* Analysis of development practices with territorial focus

  • Complementary thematic axes

* Agroecological transition, decentralised agri-food systems and their contribution to territorial development

* Innovative and dimensionally integrated territorial development experiences in border regions

* Territorial anchoring and socio-productive practices for territorial development

* Innovation in public and private organisations, converging with the territorial approach

* Short circuit networks integrated into family and craft production practices with a view to territorial development

* Associativism, co-operativism and solidarity economy for territorial development

* Networks of actors and governance in territorial development practices


Submissions must be made in the SPECIAL ISSUE section: TERRITORIAL APPROACH TO DEVELOPMENT




Ademir Antonio Cazella – UFSC

Argemiro Luis Brum - UNIJUI

Arilson da Silva Favareto – UniABC

Edemar Rotta – UFFS

Iván Geraldo Peyré Tartaruga – Universidade do Porto-Portugal

Mário Lúcio de Ávila – UnB - RETE

Mireya Eugenia Valencia Perafan – UnB

Pablo Costamagna – Univ. Tecnológica Nacional da Argentina-Rafaela-ConectaDEL

Pedro Luís Büttenbender - UNIJUI

Cidonea Deponti – UNISC

Marcos Aurelio Saquet - UNIOESTE

Valdir Roque Dallabrida – REDETEG