Technological Parks: An Analysis of Publications From the Last Decade




 This study aimed to demonstrate an analysis of the articles published on the theme of technological parks, in the Web of Science (WOS) and Scopus (Capes, 2021) databases. For that, the bibliometric technique was used, with the topic “technological park”, with a total of 133 publications, 42 of which are from WoS and 91 from Scopus. The data were organized in spreadsheets in Excel and an analysis of the characteristics of these publications was carried out, identifying the following characteristics: frequency of publications per year; authors; countries; languages; Document Type; research areas; institutions and number of citations. Afterwards, a map of cocitation clusters and keywords was generated. During the work, it was possible to verify the importance and usefulness of using the bibliometric technique for analyzing data available in databases. As for the limitations, in this study, duplicate studies were not filtered on both bases, therefore, it is suggested that future studies do this task and, therefore, it is recommended to carry out a systematic study, in order to investigate the discussions of the studies found in WoS and Scopus, to guide other research.

Author Biographies

Francieli Souza Duarte Miranda, UNEMAT

Pedagoga UNEMAT

Clarissa Stefani Teixeira, UFSC

Doutora Engenharia de Produção - UFSC;  Professora do Departamento de Engenharia do Conhecimento - UFSC;  Bolsista de Fixação de Recursos Humanos do CNPq - Nível A 

Denise Adriana Johann, GPCET/UFSM

Mestre e doutoranda em Administração - UFSM;  Pesquisadora no Grupo de Pesquisa Comportamento, Estresse e Trabalho - GPCET/UFSM e CNPq.

Alexandre Augusto Biz, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.

Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.



How to Cite

Bresciani, S. A. T., Souza Duarte Miranda, F., Teixeira, C. S., Johann, D. A. ., & Biz, A. A. (2022). Technological Parks: An Analysis of Publications From the Last Decade. Desenvolvimento Em Questão, 20(58), e12095.