Public Policies in Family Agriculture in the Territory of Citizenship in the Alagoas Dairy Basin: PRONAF, PNAE, PAA and Bolsa Família Program




Development. Rural credit. Institutional Purchases. Poverty.


The semi-arid region of the territory of Alagoas has low levels of development and high economic vulnerability. This article seeks to analyze public policies in the field of family farming, with the objective of observing the evolution of access to PRONAF, PAA, PNAE and Bolsa Família Program, in the municipalities of Belo Monte, Cacimbinhas, Major Isidoro and Pão de Açúcar , which are part of the region that has been designated as the Citizenship Territory of the Alagoas Milk Basin. The research is based on the assumption that these public policies strengthen the family farming segment at the local level, through access to credit for production, a stimulus for commercialization and social protection. To carry out the research, a bibliographic review was carried out, followed by a survey of secondary data from official sources such as: FNDE, Central Bank, Ministry of Social Development, CONAB, IBGE. To complement the information, on the evolution of access to the mentioned public policies, a survey of primary data was carried out through interviews and semi-structured questionnaires. Representatives of family farmers and municipal departments of agriculture and education in the four municipalities were interviewed. The survey results showed that Pronaf, PNAE and Bolsa Família Program have a strong presence in the municipalities surveyed, but there are opportunities to expand access to policies, one of the suggestions being the more active posture of public managers in the municipal departments of agriculture and education. Actions that could contribute to promote family farming in municipalities of great economic and social vulnerability, such as those surveyed.

Author Biographies

Janete Stofel

Universidade Federal Fronteira Sul - UFFS - Campus Laranjeiras do Sul - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Agroecologia e Desenvolvimento Rural Sustentável. Endereço: BR-158, s/n - Zona Rural, Laranjeiras do Sul - PR, 85301-970. ORCID: E-mail:

Luciano Celso Brandão Guerreiro Barbosa

Universidade Federal de Alagoas - UFAL - Campus Sertão - Curso de Ciências Econômicas. Endereço: Av. João Agostinho, Santana do Ipanema - AL, 57500-000. E-mail:



How to Cite

Rodrigues dos Santos, J., Stofel , J., & Barbosa, L. C. B. G. (2022). Public Policies in Family Agriculture in the Territory of Citizenship in the Alagoas Dairy Basin: PRONAF, PNAE, PAA and Bolsa Família Program. Development in Question Journal, 20(58), e12464.