Innovation in the sanitation sector: Bibliometric study of scientific and patent production




The services offered by the sanitation sector require efficiency and operational advances related to the technological innovations employed for the quality of life of the population. The present study aimed to map the scientific and technological productions about innovation in the sanitation sector. A Web of Science search was performed using four sets of keywords, while the patent data collection was done in Orbit Intelligence, using the term "Management device and (sewage treatment or water treatment)". A growth in the number of scientific publications on sanitation innovation in the last five years was identified, with Switzerland being the country with the largest number of publications. China stood out as the country with 37.5% of the technologies related to devices that assist the management of water and wastewater treatment systems. Thus, the improvement of the sanitation sector is possible through technological innovations, ensuring its operation.


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How to Cite

Dantas da Silva, K. C., & Cavalcante de Amorim, M. C. . (2023). Innovation in the sanitation sector: Bibliometric study of scientific and patent production. Desenvolvimento Em Questão, 21(59), e13465.