Orality and voice – Great speakers in history





oralidade, voz, Grandes Oradores, História, Eloquencia


This article aims to bring speakers from history, objective the importance, the influence that these names have on their oral cause and their voice. In this context, the research aims to contribute to the knowledge about the power that orality and voice have within a society and what is the real value attributed to it. It uses bibliographic references and assumes a characteristic of exploratory and descriptive research, with a qualitative character. It seeks to include the element of voice and orality as a real instrument for success in influencing and forming opinion. It is in dispute about the success of a good or from a point of view that brings together subjectivity, sharpness, the socially, culturally and historically constructed senses, in the contexts of the history of eloquence. Paths that lead to the reflection of what they are, based on their search based on their voice, eloquence, based on their search based on their voice, their ideas, eloquence, techniques for those who can use their voice, eloquence and only with techniques of those who manage to use their voice, credibility and trust, both in work and in social life. It concludes with this bibliographical research, with its contribution to having knowledge about the power of the history of communication and the voice and its importance in the historical, analytical and professional scope.



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How to Cite

Scheffler Ciechowicz, V. T., & Euselia Paveglio. (2023). Orality and voice – Great speakers in history. Desenvolvimento Em Questão, 21(59), e13484. https://doi.org/10.21527/2237-6453.2023.59.13484