Perceptions on the management and destination of civil construction waste in the municipality of Ijuí/RS




civil construction, construction waste, environmental sustainability, Conama Resolution 307/2002;


Civil construction is one of the most important sectors for the economic and social development of a locality, however, it is still responsible for the expressive consumption of natural resources and is known for the large amount of urban solid waste generated. The article aims to understand the current scenario of management and final disposal of construction waste carried out by companies operating in the city of Ijuí/RS and to indicate possible measures that can be taken to minimize the environmental impacts observed. The methodology is established by the theoretical field and empirical field. The first stage consisted of a bibliographical review and documentary research and the second stage through the empirical field that included the application of two questionnaires, the first of which was addressed to the Municipality of Ijuí/RS (Municipal Secretariat for the Environment) and the eight companies operating in the field of civil construction in the city. It could be seen that the questioned companies do not have precise knowledge of the guidelines proposed in Conama Resolution No. 307 and do not even perform techniques for an effective management of waste from civil construction. The lack of public sector incentives are also obstacles faced by companies in this matter; therefore, public measures combined with quality urban planning are the key to more sustainable development.


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How to Cite

Kuyven, T. ., & de Oliveira, T. D. (2023). Perceptions on the management and destination of civil construction waste in the municipality of Ijuí/RS. Desenvolvimento Em Questão, 21(59), e14203.