Relationship between corporate social responsibility and earnings management




Corporate social responsibility, Results Management, Discretionary accruals


Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become increasingly widespread in the business world, offering advantages both for corporations and for society in general. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between disclosed investments in CSR and earnings management practices through accruals (GR) in companies listed on B3, the Brazilian stock exchange. The research was carried out in a descriptive, documental and quantitative manner, covering the period from 2015 to 2019. The sample included 295 observations of Brazilian companies listed on Brasil Bolsa Balcão. The results revealed a negative relationship between CSR and GR practices, suggesting that companies that disclose non-mandatory CSR information tend to manage results with less intensity, prioritizing transparency and information quality. These findings contribute to the debate on the topic, as they are of interest to all parties involved with these organizations. Instead of facing companies involved in CSR with skepticism, it is possible to assess that these practices reflect a more upright posture in terms of information on the part of companies.


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How to Cite

Hedlund, P., Brizolla, M. M. B., de Lima, S. L. L. ., & Hein, N. (2024). Relationship between corporate social responsibility and earnings management. Desenvolvimento Em Questão, 22(60), e14471.


