Quadripolar research space and experimental studies





Health research evaluation, Methods, Research design, Statistic


This study aims to reflect on the applicability of the quadripolar space in experimental research. This is a theoretical-reflective essay, based on the framework of the research's quadripolar space, which promoted a reflection on the proposed theme, with the purpose of theoretical-reflexive learning based on immersion in the contexts of experimental studies to weave an analysis critique of the advantages of its application. The research quadripolar space is a place of alignment of knowledge in a research. This space provides an overview of the research process, considering its complex and multidimensional activity, which requires careful attention in all its dimensions. The application of the quadripolar space in experimental research becomes innovative, enabling the knowing subject to see the knowable object in a global way, reducing/eliminating possible fragilities and enabling the execution of experimental research. It appears that the application of the quadripolar space in experimental research promotes clarity and coherence in the definition of research objectives, adequate selection of methods and techniques, methodological rigor and robust and reliable results.


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How to Cite

Santos, I. V., Oliveira, K. C. P. do N., dos Santos, R. M., & Moreira, R. T. de F. (2024). Quadripolar research space and experimental studies. Desenvolvimento Em Questão, 22(60), e14660. https://doi.org/10.21527/2237-6453.2024.60.14660


