Design and social acceleration: unfolding in time and rhythm




Time, Rhythm, Design, Social Acceleration


The society that has been created in recent decades and its urban dynamics can be characterized by a constant process of acceleration, which many attribute to modernity. With this background scenario, this article explores the complex intersection between time, rhythm and design in contemporary society, analyzed in light of the Social Acceleration Theory proposed by Rosa (2019). It was observed how these concepts intertwine and manifest themselves in three contemporary approaches to design interpretation, as discussed by Pschetz and Bastian (2018), Fuad-Luke (2008) and Manzini and Jegou (2006). By inserting this area into this discussion, we can not only look at the transformations of recent decades, but also a call to reflect on the paths to be taken in the future. In conclusion, the importance of rethinking the pace of design was addressed, exploring possible innovations that promote a slowdown and contribute to a more sustainable and balanced lifestyle, without compromising the relevance and impact of the field.


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How to Cite

Jorge, G. G., & Tarouco, F. F. (2024). Design and social acceleration: unfolding in time and rhythm. Desenvolvimento Em Questão, 22(60), e15178.


