Peasant agriculture and food sovereignty: Sustainability bias
Food sovereignty, Peasant agriculture, Bibliometrics, Socio-environmental IssuesAbstract
Peasant agriculture and food sovereignty are social issues that, in some way and potentially, have significant consequences for the social and environmental dynamics between peasant classes. This article aims to analyze socio-environmental aspects and food sovereignty in the context of peasant agriculture. This is bibliographical research with a bibliometric method and a qualitative, descriptive/exploratory approach. An inventory was carried out through electronic consultation on the CAPES Periodicals Portal, in the Scopus databases and Catalog of Theses and Dissertations, which constitute the state of the art on this topic. In the search strategies, the keywords "food sovereignty" and "peasant" were used in the Scopus database and "peasant agriculture" and "food sovereignty" in the Thesis and Dissertation Catalog, resulting in one hundred and eleven (111) articles, four (4) theses and four (4) dissertations, which after analysis resulted in fifty-four articles (54), four (4) theses and four (4) dissertations.The results indicate that socio-environmental issues, food sovereignty and peasant agriculture are issues debated worldwide by peasant movements, academics, NGOs, activists, among others and are currently facing major challenges in the face of modernization in the countryside. The modernization of the countryside has not only brought benefits, but also negative consequences for the environment, such as loss of biodiversity and alteration of natural resources. The peasant agriculture model contributes to local agrobiodiversity and plays an important role in food security. Peasants are protagonists of agroecology, and their struggles add up to several achievements.
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