Cluster analysis of socioeconomic development indicators of São Bento municipality, Paraíba




Cluster Analysis, Textile Manufacturing Industry, Regional Development


This article aims to measure the degree of socioeconomic development of São Bento Municipality (PB) in relation to other municipalities in Paraiba, Brazil. The research methodology is exploratory and employs multivariate analysis using data from Atlas Brasil, IPEA, and IBGE, covering the period from 2010 to 2018. The results obtained through statistical techniques such as cluster analysis, hierarchical clustering, k-means, and k-means combined with principal components identified that São Bento Municipality (PB) has an average Human Development Index (HDI) value of 0.58. It has a per capita GDP higher than 75% of the municipalities in Paraiba. Furthermore, it presents a proportion of employed individuals in the commerce, services, and especially in the textile industry sectors that is higher than the state average. The municipality is found in intermediate development clusters in the three methodologies used, according to the degree of similarity of the socioeconomic indicators: HDI-M and twenty-eight other variables that encompass the study. The textile industry, notably the manufacture of hammocks, stands out as a determining factor for the socioeconomic performance of São Bento.


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How to Cite

de Azevedo, A. M., de Oliveira, T. A., de Oliveira, V. M., Ramalho, Ângela M. C., & Wichmann , R. M. (2025). Cluster analysis of socioeconomic development indicators of São Bento municipality, Paraíba. Desenvolvimento Em Questão, 23(62), e16085.


