Cultural and Socioeconomic Differences and the Impact on entrepreneurial internationalization: a comparative study between two multinational companies


  • Shalimar Gallon Faculdade Meridional (Imed)
  • Angela Beatriz Busato Scheffer Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)
  • Jorge Filipe da Silva Gomes Universidade de Lisboa (UL), Portugal
  • Vitor Francisco Dalla Corte Faculdade Meridional (Imed)



Expatriation; Portuguese culture; Brazilian culture; Internationalization; Human Resource Management.


Expatriation has emerged as an important issue in managerial studies. This study aims to analyze the influence of socioeconomic and cultural factors in the expatriation management and the internationalization of two companies from culturally close countries. Therefore, a qualitative study of multiple cases was carried out in a Brazilian and Portuguese multinational. Through a semi-structured script, 30 interviews were performed, which were analyzed by the content analysis technique with the assistance of Max-Qda software (2007) in the organization of analysis categories. The reports of the Portuguese and Brazilians are very similar when they discuss the differences between the two countries. Al though they are close in relation to their history, the understanding difficulty in the use of the Portuguese language, the differences in decision-making and the still existing prejudices, mark the interaction between professionals and companies, revealing proximity and distance. However, the main highlighted aspects that influence the expatriation and internationalization of the analyzed companies are the labor legislation for expatriates, bureaucracy, corruption, 'Brazilian way', the difference of infrastructure and basic education.

Author Biographies

Shalimar Gallon, Faculdade Meridional (Imed)

Doutora em Administração pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Professora da Faculdade Meridional (IMED).
Business School
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração

Angela Beatriz Busato Scheffer, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)

Doutora em Administração pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Professora da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS).

Universidade federal do rio grande do sul
Escola de administração
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração

Jorge Filipe da Silva Gomes, Universidade de Lisboa (UL), Portugal

Doutor em Administração pela Manchester Business School, Inglaterra. Professor da Universidade de Lisboa (UL). 

Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão

Vitor Francisco Dalla Corte, Faculdade Meridional (Imed)

Doutor em Agronegócios pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Professor da Faculdade Meridional (IMED).


Faculdade Meridional - IMED
Business School
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração



How to Cite

Gallon, S., Scheffer, A. B. B., Gomes, J. F. da S., & Dalla Corte, V. F. (2019). Cultural and Socioeconomic Differences and the Impact on entrepreneurial internationalization: a comparative study between two multinational companies. Development in Question Journal, 17(49), 222–246.


