The north-south railway and its influence on the economic performance of municipalities in Goiás




Ferrovia Norte-Sul, Desempenho Econômico, Municípios Goianos


The objective of this article is to analyze the influence of the North-South Railway on the performance of municipalities in Goiás between the years 2007-2017, based on the hypothesis that there may be a positive relationship between the transport network and regional and economic development. place. Therefore, the methodology used involved the study of theoretical and empirical bibliography with a historical review of the transport infrastructure in the central region of the country, with emphasis on the North-South Railway, its location and influence on the logistics of the State of Goiás. Econometric analyzes were also carried out with the objective of verifying the changes in the municipal variables:gross domestic product per capita, average worker remuneration, formal employment and tax revenue, from the construction and operation of the North-South Railway in the Goiás territory. The empirical result indicated that despite the railways promoting a better performance for the economy, their construction alone is not enough to promote the economic growth of municipalities, including Goiás, as indicated by the results of the estimated models. It was concluded, therefore, that the articulated action of the modes of transport, operators, customers and public policies is also necessary for the realization of the purposes of integration and development that the North-South Railway could provide.


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How to Cite

Rezende Campos, F., Pereira de Almeida Mota, B. ., & Ferreira dos Reis, M. (2023). The north-south railway and its influence on the economic performance of municipalities in Goiás. Development in Question Journal, 21(59), e13112.