Production factors, regional economic development and agriculture in Brazil: A spatial econometrics approach



Palabras clave:

Land, Labor, Technology, Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis


Agriculture has a great effect on the development process of a region and production land, labor, and technology are determinant factors in its dynamism. This work carries out a spatial analysis for each production factor of Brazilian municipalities in 2006 and 2017 and intends to verify if there are patterns of association and agglomerations. This work is applied research of quantitative and exploratory nature. The Exploratory Analysis of Spatial Data (ESDA) was used to perform spatial analysis for each production factor in Brazilian municipalities in 2006 and 2017 and to check the patterns of association and agglomerations. The main agricultural activities and practice are related to exports as proposed by North. The formation of clusters verified both in the use of the factors of land, labor and technology, and in the value of agricultural production has a polarized role in the Brazilian space, as described by Perroux. This polarization and the formation of clusters expanded at certain points over time, indicating the formation of new links with neighboring municipalities (a la Hirschman). The spatial association pattern was significant in all analyzed variables, with emphasis on the non-physical technology factor, presenting the highest spatial autocorrelation coefficient in both periods analyzed.


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Cómo citar

de Alcantara, I. R., & Reinaldo Alves, L. (2024). Production factors, regional economic development and agriculture in Brazil: A spatial econometrics approach. Desarollo En Cuestión, 22(60), e14781.


