From “Justice” to “Access to justice”: Representation, collective litigation and “Veil of ignorance”


  • Gustavo Osna Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR)



Over the last decades, it is becoming usual the idea that Brazilian civil litigation must focus on the notion of access to justice. Additionally, it is also becoming regular the argument that collective litigation could improve the achievement of such goal. To analyze such arguments, this essay reminds that they must be preceded by a reasonable definition of the very idea of justice. In this sense, I adopt as an exemplificative parameter the notion of justice as fairness constructed by John Rawls, demonstrating that its structure, grounded on the tool of the veil of ignorance, indorses the desirability of collective litigation.


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How to Cite

Osna, G. (2023). From “Justice” to “Access to justice”: Representation, collective litigation and “Veil of ignorance”. Human Rights and Democracy Journal, 11(21), e12853.