Migratory flows, hospitality and culture in the cosmopolitan environment





Citizens of the World, Hospitality, Intercultural exchanges, Global Compact for Migration, Cosmopolitism


The present writing aims at discussing contemporary migratory flows, pointing out their origins and their central characteristics, especially (the understanding of) the fundamental subject of this displacement action, which is the individual, characterizing him no longer as a mere citizen in the world, but as a citizen of the world. After all, it is from this reasoning that this text proposes a reflection on the hospitality for migrants. This construction, deemed essential nowadays, points to the need to be well received in any location, regardless of one’s origins, suggesting the achievement of several gains with a 'pleasent' reception of migrants. And at the end, it is indicated that the Global Compact for Migration is an essential tool for the implementation of hospitality and intercultural exchanges in the cosmopolitan environment, insofar as it aims to order the migrations from all regions, reducing any type of negative impacts that may arise due to an exacerbated influx of people in the same location. Therefore, using the deductive research method, an applied descriptive and explanatory study was carried out, based on a doctrinal and documental analysis, collected qualitatively.

Author Biography

Tatiana de Almeida Freitas Rodrigues Cardoso Squeff, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia - MG

Professor of the LLM Program of the Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU/MG), where she also is an associate professor of international law. PhD in International Law from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), with a study period at the University of Ottawa (Canada). Masters in Public Law from Vale do Rio dos Sinos University (UNISINOS), with a CAPES scholarship and a study period at the University of Toronto (Canada), with a DFAIT scholarship. Post-Graduated in International Relations (UFRGS), International Law (UFRGS), and the English Language (Unilasalle).


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How to Cite

Squeff, T. de A. F. R. C., de Carvalho, V. M. M., & Nunes, J. A. (2023). Migratory flows, hospitality and culture in the cosmopolitan environment. Revista Direitos Humanos E Democracia, 11(21), e12953. https://doi.org/10.21527/2317-5389.2023.21.12953