Can we talk about a “brazilian democracy crisis”? Possible causes and proposals for democratic strengthening




Democracia brasileira, Populismo, Autocratização, Subversão sub-reptícia


The theme of this article is Brazilian democracy and the problems it has been facing in the current political scenario under the auspices of a “crisis of liberal democracy”. The work aims to deepen the current panorama of Brazilian democracy, which will be done through bibliographical and documentary research. It proposes some questions: how serious and what does it mean to live a democratic crisis? What are the reasons? What possible solutions to revert the frame? What are the main enemies of Brazilian democracy today? It was concluded, first, that the crisis of democracy is a crisis that can be associated with a movement of autocratization and surreptitious subversion of democracy, practiced notably by populist governments, which in a scenario of economic failure, corruption, generalized distrust, gain support and strength. Second, the institutional environment experienced still aspires to democratic values, but there is a strong tendency for this to be negatively affected in the future.


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How to Cite

Möller, G. S., & Magnus de Marco, C. . (2023). Can we talk about a “brazilian democracy crisis”? Possible causes and proposals for democratic strengthening. Human Rights and Democracy Journal, 11(22), e13529.