Enforceability of the urgency protective measures of the Maria da Penha Law in favor of transgender men and people in gender transition





Transgender men and people in gender transition, vulnerabilities, domestic violence, urgent protective measures, Structural LGBTphobia


This article aims to demonstrate the full enforceability of the emergency protective measures of Maria da Penha Law in favor of transgender men and people in gender transition. To this purpose, data from queries to statistical research and jurisprudential evaluation will be used, as well as specialized bibliography analysis. Faced with widespread vulnerability of transgender people and the observation that they are often victims of domestic and family violence, it is worth analyzing the historically determined power relations between genders and inquire, based on the concept of gender identification and the comparison of Structural LGBTphobia with other systems of domination such as sexism and racism, the possibility of using urgent protective measures to benift the transgender men and people in transition. Based on the parameters and methods explained, the possibility of applying urgent protective measures in favor of transgender men and people in transition is defended, since not only the gender identification self-recognized by the individual should be analyzed, but also the way how they are seen by society and, mainly, by the family, aware of the biological origin and the transactional path, in real reproduction of a hierarchical system of domination and power embodied in structural LGBTphobia. The teleological interpretation of the norm that establishes the urgent protective measures allows its application in favor of transgender men and people in gender transition as a way of breaking the pattern of oppression, allowing a certain realignment of powers also to associated people, due to disrespect for the dentity of self-recognized gender, to the subordinated group (female gender).


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How to Cite

Teixeira, Z. G., & de Ávila, T. T. (2024). Enforceability of the urgency protective measures of the Maria da Penha Law in favor of transgender men and people in gender transition. Revista Direitos Humanos E Democracia, 12(23), e14767. https://doi.org/10.21527/2317-5389.2024.23.14767