Human rights and neoliberal barbarism




State, Capitalism, Rights


The article examines human rights within the political-economic context of neoliberal theory. Its aim is to discuss the challenges to the effectiveness of human rights amidst the unchecked fervor of neoliberalism, with a particular focus on the effects on vulnerable individuals, especially those with disabilities. Initially, it addresses the rise of neoliberal politics, presenting its general harms and the role of the state in alignment with capital. It then discusses human rights and the challenges of their maintenance and effectiveness in a neoliberal society. Finally, it highlights the vulnerabilities of people with disabilities and the systemic cruelty of the economic system against those who lack the strength to defend themselves against its relentless impact. The research has a theoretical perspective, presenting fundamental concepts of neoliberalism and human rights, and is complemented empirically with statistical data on the effects of the economic system, demonstrating the lack of respect for human rights and the substantive effectiveness of democracy. The study follows a hypothetico-deductive method by relating neoliberal practice to the barbarity applied against human rights, particularly those of people with disabilities and their vulnerability.


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How to Cite

Rosolen, S. M. (2024). Human rights and neoliberal barbarism. Human Rights and Democracy Journal, 12(24), e16155.

