The artistic freedom between moralism and morality: contributions from the theory of agonistic Pluralism by Chantal Mouffe.




Based on Chantal Mouffe's Theory, this article aims to discuss freedom of artistic expression as a fundamental right, but even more as an ethical-political principle shared by an agonistic democratic society. The issue addressed here refers to the protests carried out in 2017 and 2018 by groups of conservatives and religious groups against some artistic events. It will be discussed to what extent there was, or not, limitation of freedom of expression and, also, in return, to what extent the protests are also part of the very idea of freedom of expression, constitutionally guaranteed.


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How to Cite

Fernandes, G. (2023). The artistic freedom between moralism and morality: contributions from the theory of agonistic Pluralism by Chantal Mouffe. Human Rights and Democracy Journal, 11(21), e7665.