Mineral cooperatives: limits and potentialities of formalizing the mining activity in collective associations of mineral extraction





mining, mineral cooperativism, Neo-institucionalism, organizational field


The induction of the constitution of mineral cooperatives has been a strategy of the Brazilian State used as a regulatory means to guarantee the organization and sustainability of the mining activity. In this sense, the question is: What are the limits and potential of the constitution of mineral cooperatives in Brazil? The present study aims to reveal the organizational field of mineral cooperativism in the state of Minas Gerais (MG) and to understand the limits and potential of these cooperative organizations after their constitution. Through neo-institutionalism and the conception of organizational field, it was possible to understand elements of a cultural and cognitive scope that presented themselves as powerful economic, social and cultural aspects that directly influenced the formation and constitution of these organizations. The methodological approach has a qualitative approach, characterized as exploratory-descriptive with a multiple case study method. The analysis units were 18 mineral cooperatives from MG. The main findings demonstrate that the organizational field studied is heterogeneous in terms of structure, processes and behaviors, despite having some evidence of isomorphism. The potential of mineral cooperatives is related to the legitimacy of the cooperative model that guides and serves as a channel with the market and with the cooperative members themselves. Limits are perceived when cooperatives are used as just a means of obtaining environmental licensing, with no effectiveness in the marketing or social relationship.


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How to Cite

Samuel Soares, de Freitas, A. F., & Brandão Lopes, G. . (2023). Mineral cooperatives: limits and potentialities of formalizing the mining activity in collective associations of mineral extraction. Development in Question Journal, 21(59), e12675. https://doi.org/10.21527/2237-6453.2023.59.12675