Female entrepreneurship in Brazil: Overview of scientific production (2010 to 2019)





Female Entrepreneurship, Genre, National Production, Bibliometrics


Literature review represents a significant part of any research. However, many reviews that aim to collect important literature relativize scientific rigor, compromising a more accurate analysis of the field under investigation. To face this challenge, the study relied on bibliometrics in order to measure the contribution of scientific knowledge. The proposal is that the indicators portray the behavior of scientific production in a field and, in this aspect, the present study intends to describe the scientific production in the area of ​​female entrepreneurship in the period from 2010 to 2019, taking as a reference the periodicals of national territorial base, certified from the ISSN Platform – International Standard Serial Number, analyzing the journals on the Sucupira Platform (QUALIS/CAPES), strata A1, A2, B1 and B2, considering the classification of journals in the 2013-2016 quadrennium. It was possible to collect 1,487 journals in the four strata, making it possible to list 472 journals with a national territorial base, identifying that only 35 published between 2010 and 2019 studies involving female entrepreneurship. The list of researchers who developed the studies is vast, however, the authors with the greatest profusion in the publication of studies in the area are Hilka Pelizza Vier Machado (10 publications), Rivanda Meira Teixeira (9), Lea Cristina Silva Bomfim and Marcos Ferreira Jesus, each with 3 publications. It is concluded that there is a need to expand research related to the female gender working in entrepreneurship, seeking to unveil new perspectives that women, with the singular sensitivity that so well defines them, can provide in the strengthening and development of the national economy.


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How to Cite

Silva, C. P. de S. ., Almeida, L. B., & Guimarães, J. de C. (2023). Female entrepreneurship in Brazil: Overview of scientific production (2010 to 2019). Development in Question Journal, 21(59), e13065. https://doi.org/10.21527/2237-6453.2023.59.13065