Distinctive signs of market and territorial development: Consensus and dissent





distinctive market signs, territorial development, geographical indications, patrimonialization


The enthusiasm surrounding the valorization of agri-food heritage, especially the creation of distinctive market signs, reflects the idea that such assets can become vectors capable of producing innovation, but also new paths for the development of territories, fostering innovation and social cohesion. The central objective of this article is to carry out a critical reflection on two major instruments of distinction, namely, geographical indications and the patrimonialization of know-how linked to food. The approach is based on data and information collected over five years of cooperation between research groups operating in Brazil and Spain with an emphasis on semi-structured interviews carried out in both areas. The results show the differences between both routes mentioned, the potential of these instruments, but also the limitations and risks that may arise from an uncontrolled overvaluation of the territories' intangible assets. Ensuring the populations involved with the results they so desire is a complex mission, especially when the immediacy and interests of economic agents speak louder.


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How to Cite

dos Anjos, F. S. (2024). Distinctive signs of market and territorial development: Consensus and dissent. Desenvolvimento Em Questão, 22(61), e15921. https://doi.org/10.21527/2237-6453.2024.61.15921