Capacity of territorial public governance to involve community-based tourism in sustainable local development: an analysis of the Paraty/RJ case




Territorial Public Governance, Community-Based Tourism, Sustainable Local Development, Territorial Planning


Community-Based Tourism (CBT) are tourism management modes that have different foundations linked to Sustainable Local Development (SLD). However, their full reach has largely depended on interaction with other territorial actors, that is, on Territorial Public Governance (TPG). Based on this and the consideration that it is necessary to advance in understanding the subject, this work aims to identify how GPT mechanisms can involve the CBT in the SLD co-promotion process. This research was carried out through a case study in Paraty/RJ, as this territory has TPG spaces open to CBT initiatives and which discusses issues related to SLD. Data collection occurred through documentary surveys, direct observation and the application of a semi-structured questionnaire. Their interpretation came from the thematic content analysis technique. The results indicated that TPG can involve CBT in the SLD co-promotion process through: co-necessity; co-potentiality; co-effectiveness; and co-legitimacy. In this way, this work contributes to understanding the ability of TPG mechanisms to help CBT to co-promote endogenous and sustainable development of territories, which is a gap in the literature.


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How to Cite

de Almeida, T. C., Emmendoerfer, M. L., & Knupp, M. E. C. G. (2024). Capacity of territorial public governance to involve community-based tourism in sustainable local development: an analysis of the Paraty/RJ case . Desenvolvimento Em Questão, 22(61), e16014.