Gender and water: a reading on semi-arid’s policies and women's inclusion


  • Islene Pinheiro Façanha Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL)



gender, water, participation, policies, Brazilian semiarid.


Universal access to water and gender equality have been incorporated into the international agenda for sustainable development. Lack of water, Sanitation and Hygiene facilities that meet the needs of women and girls can be attributed, especially to the women’s not inclusion in decision-making and water policy planning. Given this context, the study aims to analyze female inclusion in water policies in the Brazilian semi-arid region, based on a bibliographical survey. The main results point to the recent awakening of the theme in the Brazilian academic environment and the changes that are being lived towards a mentality of coexistence with the semi-arid and inclusive, had a great contribution of the non-governmental organizations through the “One Million Rural Cisterns” Program. In this way, we conclude the importance of NGOs to drive policy on the ground. Furthermore, there is a need for more work on the real dimension of female inclusion in water policies and how it manifests itself.

Author Biography

Islene Pinheiro Façanha, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL)

Graduação em Ciências Econômicas pela Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (2008), Pós-graduação em Relações Internacionais (2009-2010) na Universidade Cândido Mendes (Rio de Janeiro- Brasil), Mestrado em Desenvolvimento e Cooperação Internacional (2010-2012) na Universidade Técnica de Lisboa no Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão (ISEG) -Lisboa/ Portugal e Atualmente, doutoranda no curso de Alterações Climáticas e Políticas de Desenvolvimento Sustentável na UNL, UL e East Anglia University (Universidade Parceira), doutoramento realizado em Lisboa, Portugal.



How to Cite

Façanha, I. P. (2019). Gender and water: a reading on semi-arid’s policies and women’s inclusion. Desenvolvimento Em Questão, 17(47), 339–356.