Around sex and aging: the intersectional perspective, the discrimination and the challenges that the agency of the elderly GLBTI person crosses




Palavras-chave: LGBTI Idoso; Discriminação Interseccional; Direitos Humanos; Minoria Vulnerável., Keywords: Elderly GLBTI; Intersectional Discrimination; Human Rights; Vulnerable Minority.


ABSTRACT: This essay, of sociological and juridical nature, proposes to analyze the contributions that the intersectional perspective and the human rights of the minorities can offer to the comprehension around the specific factors of discrimination that the elderly GLBTI person crosses, with emphasis in the processes of subjugation in the constructions and social roles of gender, of sexuality and of aging and in the challenges relative to the effective protection of this group. It uses the qualitative research, having a descriptive and an analytical content, and will be used the bibliographic analysis. In the first part, the elderly GLBTI is investigated, seen as a vulnerable minority, and is done a reflection about the emergence and the contributions of the intersectional thinking in order to establish, in addition, possible contact points between the intersectionality and the queer and decolonial theories. The development evolves to approach the specificities and the challenges set by the intersectional discrimination suffered by elderly GLBTI person, which stimulate to look at the subject from the cosmologies that compose him. Finally, with focus in the Inter-American System of Human Rights, the insufficiency of instruments of international protection will be approached as a challenge to the effective protection of human rights of this specific minority.

Keywords: Elderly GLBTI; Intersectional Discrimination; Human Rights; Vulnerable Minority.

Author Biographies

Vinícius de Moraes Franco, FRANCO, UFMT

Advogado. Professor voluntário da Faculdade de Direito da UFMT. Mestrando pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito da UFMT, na Linha de Pesquisa de Direitos Humanos e Fundamentais.

Vládia Maria de Moura Soares, SOARES, UFMT

Advogada. Professora Adjunta de Criminologia e Direito Penal na Faculdade de Direito da UFMT. Pós-Doutoranda pela UFRGS. Doutora e Mestre em Direito do Estado pela PUC de SP.



How to Cite

Franco, V. de M., & Soares, V. M. de M. (2022). Around sex and aging: the intersectional perspective, the discrimination and the challenges that the agency of the elderly GLBTI person crosses. Revista Direitos Humanos E Democracia, 10(19), e11408.