Vaccination compulsory in light of the theory of fundamental rights




Covid-19, fundamental rights, mandatory vaccination, individual autonomy, collective health


Compulsory vaccination has been a reality in Brazil since 1975, with the advent of Law 6.259/1975. With the recent authorization by ANVISA of the vaccines against Covid-19, the debate about the compulsory nature of the prophylactic measure has been rekindled, motivated especially by the growing movement of hesitancy to the vaccine. This study aims to try to build, amid the current context, minimum guidelines that can provide a democratic, plural and nonpartisan debate about the compulsory nature of vaccination against Covid-19 and the corresponding repercussion on fundamental rights. The research will use the deductive method, based on the examination of legal norms, books, scientific articles and judicial precedents. We conclude for the constitutionality of art. 3, inc. III, line "d", of Law 13.979/2020, when establishing the compulsory nature of vaccination against Covid-19, provided, however, that they are tested, certified, and approved by the competent organs and that the safety and efficacy requirements are met.

Author Biographies

Diogo de Araujo Lima, UNIPAR - Universidade Paranaense

Mestre em Direito Processual Civil e Cidadania na Universidade Paranaense – Unipar/PR. Especialista em Direito Tributário pelo IBET - Instituto Brasileiro de Estudos Tributários. Promotor de Justiça. Assessor do Procurador-Geral de Justiça do Ministério Público do Estado do Paraná.

Tereza Rodrigues, UNIPAR - Universidade Paranaense

Pós-Doutorado pela Université de Montreal. Doutorado e Mestrado em Direito Civil pela PUC-SP. Especialização em Bioética pela Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo – USP. Docente do Mestrado em Direito Processual e Cidadania e dos cursos de Medicina e Direito na Universidade Paranaense, onde coordena o projeto “Proteção dos Direitos Fundamentais das minorias, políticas de inclusão e a responsabilidade pelo dano existencial”, financiado pela UNIPAR.  .



How to Cite

Lima, D. de A. ., & Tereza Rodrigues. (2022). Vaccination compulsory in light of the theory of fundamental rights. Human Rights and Democracy Journal, 10(20), e12500.