The conceptual limits of the action of constitutional courts in a democratic state




Democratic state of law, judicial activism, judicialization of politics


Considering the multidimensional character concerning the practice of judicial activism, this article aims to analyze the performance of the Supreme Court, while constitutional court, when making decisions and resolving cases that, in the view of the authors, presented itself as activist and unconstitutional, by extrapolating the competence attributed by the Federal Constitution of 1988 to the exercise of judicial power. This work was developed based on theoretical references on the subject, as well as through the analysis of jurisprudential understandings issued by the STF in specific cases, where it was characterized the taking of activist decisions by that court. The categorization performed by the authors, regarding the recognition of activist action by the Brazilian constitutional court, aims to foster the debate about the need to reduce the judicial subjectivism in cases submitted to its analysis, while guardian not of a document, but of democracy, freedom and identity of his people, because judicial activism, besides representing an express violation of the separation of powers, may also represent a usurpation of function with the consequent weakening of our democratic rule of law.


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How to Cite

Barbosa, E. G., & Coura, A. de C. . (2024). The conceptual limits of the action of constitutional courts in a democratic state. Revista Direitos Humanos E Democracia, 12(23), e15098.