Productive restructuring and the new proletariat of services in the digital era




Digital age, Infoproletariat, Labor organization, Productive restructuring, Services


In the last two decades of the 20th century many scholars imagined that the working class was "with the days numbered." The thesis of finitude of the working class remained overcome, but the context of employment relations had not remained static. Whether by the destructive logic of capital or by the technological-informational-digital impact, the fact is that the new morphology of 21st century work evidences the significant expansion of new work modalities, as well as the emergence of a new proletariat of services of the digital age. A proletariat of services that is nothing more than a portion of the proletariat: the most precarious, generationally young, who lives on jobs with a higher degree of informality, often performing partial activities, for a fixed or intermittent time. Adopting bibliographic methodology and deductive method, the present work aims to understand the process of productive restructuring and the effects that would anger on the new proletariat of services in the digital age, the most precarious portion of the proletariat, generationally young, who lives on jobs with a higher degree of informality, often performing partial activities, for a certain or intermittent time. The work is justified by the exponential increase in informality, scams and alternatives to celetista hiring, payment of demeaning salaries, but, above all, by submission to strenuous days and even of operation in an unsafe place and in which subject to risks to health and safety, reflections rights of the complex productive process characteristic of the present time and that reaches more intensely the new proletariat of services.


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How to Cite

Pompéo, W. A. H. (2024). Productive restructuring and the new proletariat of services in the digital era. Human Rights and Democracy Journal, 12(24), e15443.

