The construction of the welfare state and neoliberalism: A reflection on the rupture in the evolution of human rights and the process of (des)commodization of capitalist societies




human rights, welfare state, social justice, commodification of social relations, neoliberalism


The theme of this article is to rescue some elements of the process of building the Welfare State and reflect on the impact of the economic crisis of the 1970s on the increasingly social trajectory of the modern State and citizenship. Thus, the text recovers the process of transformation of the modern State and its links with the different generations of rights. It then addresses the importance of socializing ideas for the formation of the pact that led to a growing decommodification tendency in capitalist societies. Finally, it analyzes the economic crisis of the early seventies of the last century and its impact on the way in which collective life was constituted. In this sense, it appears that the aforementioned crisis was, more than a temporary and temporary crisis like so many others, an event that produced a notable historical turn that led to the decline of the ideas that supported the Welfare State and economic rights. and social issues and the rise of neoliberal ideas. The conclusion is that this transformation produced a new commodification of different spheres of capitalist societies and consequently caused the abandonment of the culture of equality and social justice.


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How to Cite

Bedin, G. A., & Schonardie, E. F. (2024). The construction of the welfare state and neoliberalism: A reflection on the rupture in the evolution of human rights and the process of (des)commodization of capitalist societies. Revista Direitos Humanos E Democracia, 12(23), e15869.