The formation of a virtual public sphere and its influence on the decision-making process with global repercussions




Public sphere, Internet, Democratic participation, Transnationalization


This article addresses the phenomenon of globalization and its consequences on the current political decision-making processes, considering the great influence of the decisions emanating from each autonomous state in an international basis. Based on this premise, a transnationalization of the public sphere, concept, initially developed by Jürgen Habermas, is suggested, in which the discussions held by citizens end up forming a public opinion on a given matter. That said, the analytical method is used, exercising a deductive reasoning based on the conclusions verified in the specialized bibliography to question the possibility of considering the internet as a globalized public sphere, in which the interactions of users allowed the formation of the public opinion theorized by Habermas. The analysis allowed us to conclude that, although the influence of the internet on the formation of a global public opinion is undeniable, limitations such as the absence of universality, full accessibility, and economic and political interferences prevent the virtual environment from being considered, in fact, a public sphere, as initially conceptualized by Habermas. Therefore, meanwhile its restrictions are not properly resolved, the internet can be used as a tool to complement the existing public sphere, with the potential to promote public engagement and democratic participation, playing a great role in the revitalization of democratic spaces.


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How to Cite

Amorim, J. V. L., & Marchetto, P. B. (2024). The formation of a virtual public sphere and its influence on the decision-making process with global repercussions. Human Rights and Democracy Journal, 12(24), e15951.