The political and economic imopovery of women: The vulnerability resulting from the duty of care




Democratic deficit, Duty of care, Female poverty, Vulnerability


The main objective of the research lies in studying the connection between the duty of care imposed on women and the impact on female democratic participation, resulting in political and socioeconomic vulnerability. Thus, using the deductive method, the theme is delimited by the analysis of the invisibility and lack of legal recognition of unpaid domestic work and the consequent scarcity of rights; the asymmetries of democratic participation and the difficulty in presenting demands; the imposition of duty of care and women's vulnerability; finally, female economic and political poverty and the urgency of reviewing democratic processes. It concludes that women's human rights have been violated due to the socio-legal conformity of overlapping working hours, which leads to both economic poverty and social exclusion, but mainly political poverty, which, in turn, results in a democratic deficit and difficulty in detecting demands and constructing public policies. Thus, the work proposes critical analysis and also denunciation, as gender inequality is evident in the concomitance of work relationships protected by law and those neglected, both carried out by women, as patriarchy remains on the basis of normalization of convenient female impoverishme.


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How to Cite

Faria, J. P., & Fritz, K. B. B. (2024). The political and economic imopovery of women: The vulnerability resulting from the duty of care. Revista Direitos Humanos E Democracia, 12(24), e16044.

