The legal-educational empowerment of black women and equal access to decision-making positions within the brazilian judiciary




Access to education, Popular education, Black women, Judiciary


The present work is based on data indicating the lack of representation of black women in teaching positions in higher education courses in Law and Legal Sciences. Therefore, the general objective is to analyze the possible impacts of popular legal education, aiming to encourage the training of black women, for equal access to decision-making positions in the Brazilian Judiciary. The problem lies in the following question: to what extent does the lack of representation in the Brazilian Judiciary and in legal teaching positions in higher education serve as stimulating factors to rethink popular legal education, aiming to encourage the training of black women, contributing to equal access to decision-making positions in the Brazilian Judiciary? The methodology includes the deductive approach method, and the research techniques used will be bibliographic and documentary research. It can be concluded, preliminarily, that the low representation of women in higher education teaching, especially in the graduation of future law graduates and in positions within the Judiciary, occurs due to a lack of encouragement, associated with a gap in popular education and the training of these black girls and women, so that there is a new structuring of the Judiciary through access to education.


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How to Cite

Ugioni, L. P., & Spengler, F. M. (2024). The legal-educational empowerment of black women and equal access to decision-making positions within the brazilian judiciary. Revista Direitos Humanos E Democracia, 12(24), e16219.