Criminal policy and criminal procedural legal normativity in practice: Pierre Bourdieu and ethnographic discussions




campo jurídico; política criminal; etnografia; violência simbólica; Código de Processo Penal.


This article addresses a criminal policy in practice and how this policy imposes normativity from the Code of Criminal Procedure (CPP) itself. This is a result of a research that uses beyond the theoretical framework of Bourdieu and other thinkers in the field of critical literature, an ethnomethodology as a researched approach. Thus, it was noticed that although Bourdieu's sociology was developed from research in French society, his contributions are also verified in Brazilian society, especially regarding the diffusion of symbolic violence and authoritarianism that is not only present in legislative politics. CPP, but also, in practice, verified in a criminal hearing in the District of Belém - PA.

Author Biography

Francisco Geraldo Matos Santos, UFPA

Doutorando em Direitos Humanos (PPGD/UFPA). Mestre em Ciência Política (PPGCP/UFPA). Especialista em Direito Processual Penal e Especialista em Direito Público (FPDJ). Professor no curso de Direito ESMAC. Assessor Jurídico no Município de Santa Izabel do Pará.



How to Cite

Santos, F. G. M. (2022). Criminal policy and criminal procedural legal normativity in practice: Pierre Bourdieu and ethnographic discussions. Revista Direito Em Debate, 31(58), e10363.