The longevous in contemporaneity: family segregation in old age and social marginalization




Idosos, Convivência familiar, Exclusão social


The present study aims to investigate the problem raised about the experience of the elderly in contemporary times, in order to verify the great social, cultural and structural changes that have led the elderly to estrangement and segregation from the family to which they belong, and a consequent and proportional social marginalization. The objective of the research is to verify that the elderly have been neglected regarding family and community life, based on the justification of the population growth of the longevous, which ends up aggravating even more this situation of vulnerability to which the elderly belong. The expected results of the present research refer to the verification of the social and family isolation of the elderly, as well as the alert as to the need to address the problem, given the aging of the Brazilian population. As to the methodology, the study uses the hypothetical-deductive model as its approach method. As for the procedural method, the historical, observational, and comparative models were used. Furthermore, the theoretical resource was applied, which represents the bibliographic review of relevant and pertinent books, national scientific articles, compatible legislation and specialized doctrine.

Author Biography

Cleide Aparecida Gomes Rodrigues , Unicesumar

Pós Doutora em hermenêutica jurídica pela UNISINOS – Universidade Vale do Rio dos Sinos-RS; Doutora nas relações sociais – direito civil – pela UFPR Universidade Federal do Paraná; Graduação e Mestrado em direito civil pela UEM Universidade Estadual de Maringá; pesquisadora do ICETI, professora da graduação e Programa de Mestrado e Doutorado da UNIVERSIDADE UNICESUMAR, membro do IBDFAM e o IAP Instituto dos Advogados do Paraná; Advogada



How to Cite

Thomazini, M. C., & Cleide Aparecida Gomes Rodrigues. (2022). The longevous in contemporaneity: family segregation in old age and social marginalization . Revista Direito Em Debate, 31(58), e12429.