Vaccination, right to health and the covid-19 pandemic: reflections on the new global context outlines




Global Common Good. Health. Pandemic. Vaccines.


Of global character and originated by the pandemic, the sanitary and humanitarian crisis universally demanded efficient answers to combat COVID-19. This way, it is crucial to make an analysis about the consequences of the pandemic, as well as the importance of the right to health, which happened mainly through vaccination campaigns. In this sense, this work aims at reflecting on the new outlines in the global context from questions related to vaccination campaigns, the right to health and the COVID-19 pandemic. In order to answer to this matter, the deductive-hypothetical methodology was used, along with literature and documental review. Throughout the article, some changes that need to be implemented by States and Institutions acting globally are highlighted, such as the reform of WHO, Treatise on Pandemics, and the review of the International Health Regulations (IHR). The text also verses on the pandemics itself, showcasing fraternity as an unraveling of this situation and analyzing the demands related to global health, with special importance to the solutions of global sanitary problems. From this perspective, it is possible to conclude that innumerous questions need to be addressed facing the crisis, mainly, it is imperative that in some aspects of the post-COVID-19 world that some of these aspects are going to re-signify the health in a global way and can be seen as fertile soil for fraternity. Vaccination has shown itself to be one of the most effective mechanisms to slow down the consequences of the pandemic. However, there are questions that must be debated and revisited, since a decision making regarding the patent breach of vaccines, for example, may be an important development. These measures need mutual understanding from all agents involved in the process of making health, being a collective global project in the fighting of global sanitary crisis, especially the ones yet to come.


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How to Cite

Sippert, E. L. (2023). Vaccination, right to health and the covid-19 pandemic: reflections on the new global context outlines. Revista Direito Em Debate, 32(59), e13719.