The hermeneutics of the subject




Hermeneutics, Care, Subject.


The truth, although it exists, is not, in itself, something that has substance or that could be stopped by someone. Its immaterial content challenges the knowledge about it. The review of the work The hermeneutics of the subject, by Michel Foucault, (Editora Martins Fontes, 2006), aims to demonstrate, through the descriptive method, the cartography, carried out by the author, with the objective of demonstrating the connection between the subject and the truth. Roughly speaking, it is by taking care of himself that the subject knows his truth, but this care, more than a practice, is a concept that served as a behavioral guideline of the human being. And this guiding thread, which runs through society since the original times until the beginning of the modernity, is the object of study of this literary work. It is a long book with dense philosophical concepts, but which can be very useful to the present time, a time in which the truth is daily being tested.


FOUCAULT, Michel. A hermenêutica do sujeito. Tradução Marcio Alves da Fonseca e Selma Tannus Muchail. 2. ed. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2006. (Edição estabelecida por Fredéric Gros sob a direção de François Ewald e Alessandro Fontana).



How to Cite

Velten, P. (2023). The hermeneutics of the subject. Revista Direito Em Debate, 32(60), e13998.