When there is violence in dating: the dating violence phenomenon in Brazil and what we can learn from Portugal





Gender, Dating violence, Brazil, Prevention, Human Rights


The article intends to discuss dating violence, based on legislation and academic productions on the topic, with the aim of characterizing the phenomenon, its dynamics and its effects on the development of young people. It starts with the following questions: what is the impact of dating violence on young people and possible prevention paths in Brazil? What can be learned from Portugal in the fight against the phenomenon? The general objective of the text is to examine Brazilian academic production on the topic, identifying the needs from an investigative point of view and possible public policies to prevent and combat said violence. To this end, the article was divided into three specific objectives, explored in three sections: a) present main concepts and explanatory theories of the phenomenon; b) identify in Brazilian legislation and academic production how the phenomenon is recognized (or not); and, c) understand the effects of dating violence on young people. The type of research is exploratory, the approach method is deductive and the method is bibliographical procedure. Finally, it is concluded that it is necessary to deepen studies on the topic, so that means of preventing dating violence can be promoted, especially within schools, since this is where the protagonists of the phenomenon are.


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How to Cite

Weiler, A. L. D., Nielsson, J. G., & das Neves, A. S. A. (2025). When there is violence in dating: the dating violence phenomenon in Brazil and what we can learn from Portugal. Revista Direito Em Debate, 34(63), e16454. https://doi.org/10.21527/2176-6622.2025.63.16454

