Social security law: A view of social assistance for workplace accidents




Occupational injuries, Labor law, accident assistance


This article aims to analyze the bureaucratization of the National Institute of Social Security (INSS) related to the difficulty in granting the accident benefit. The research, developed with a qualitative approach, analyzes the accident benefit, an essential benefit for workers who face after-effects that compromise their work capacity. The methodology includes a review of the literature on the history of social security. The study identifies several bureaucratic barriers that hinder the granting of the accident benefit, such as the complexity of administrative procedures and the resistance of employers to officially recognize accidents. In addition, the social impacts of these events are discussed, which can alter family dynamics and contribute to social stigma, affecting the reintegration of workers into the community. The future prospects for the accident benefit are addressed, highlighting the need to improve prevention policies, integrate the benefit with other social programs, and adopt technologies that optimize the granting process. The article concludes that, although accident benefits represent an important instrument of social justice, their use is limited due to administrative challenges and the lack of effective implementation after the cessation of sickness benefits. Greater awareness and reforms in the social security system are recommended to ensure that workers receive the necessary support in situations of work-related accidents.


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How to Cite

Campelo, L. C. da S., & Dib, R. D. (2025). Social security law: A view of social assistance for workplace accidents. Revista Direito Em Debate, 34(63), e16465.

