
  • Dirceu Pereira Siqueira Centro Universitário de Maringá - UniCesumar
  • Henriqueta Fernanda C.A.F. Lima Centro Universitário de Maringá - UNICESUMAR



Multiparenting; Foods; Effectiveness; STF and RExt 898.060.


The Federal Constitution came not only to inaugurate a new constitutional one, but to attribute to the dignity of the human person the function of radiating its effects to the entire legal system, including to the private relations, until then guided by patrimonialism. In the scope of Family Law, it was no different: the traditional family model, resulting from marriage, gave way to new family configurations, in which multiparenting became a reality, requiring judges to interpret beyond the rules. Within this perspective, affection becomes an essential element, so that the socio-affective affiliation starts to have preponderance to the purely biological criterion, admitting the concomitant existence of the bloody father / mother with the affective, resulting in the doctrinal and jurisprudential debate regarding the equity effects of this relationship. In this bias, this study will be dedicated to analyzing, specifically, based on the principles of human dignity, solidarity, affection and responsible parenting, the food institute, here considering as a right of the personality, pointing out the controversies, the practical implications and effectiveness, in order to understand how food can be protected in this new formatting of family members without incurring legal uncertainty and undue enrichment. For this purpose, the deductive method, theoretical research and decision analysis methodology will be used, especially the emblematic judgment of the Supreme Federal Court (STF) in the Extraordinary Appeal (RExt) 898.060 for having settled the debate on pluriparenting, without, however, having entered into the analysis of the limits, scope and, above all, the legal impacts in other institutes.

Author Biographies

Dirceu Pereira Siqueira, Centro Universitário de Maringá - UniCesumar

Coordenador e Professor Permanente do Programa de Doutorado e Mestrado em Direito do Centro Universitário Cesumar (UniCesumar); Pós-doutor em Direito pela Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal), Doutor e Mestre em Direito Constitucional pela Instituição Toledo de Ensino - ITE/Bauru, Especialista Lato Sensu em Direito Civil e Processual Civil pelo Centro Universitário de Rio Preto, Pesquisador Bolsista - Modalidade Produtividade em Pesquisa para Doutor - PPD - do Instituto Cesumar de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação (ICETI), Professor nos cursos de graduação em direito da Universidade de Araraquara (UNIARA), do Centro Universitário Unifafibe (UNIFAFIBE) e do Centro Universitário da Fundação Educacional de Barretos (UNIFEB), Professor Convidado do Programa de Mestrado em "Gestão Estratégica de Empresas - Master Of Science in Administrative Studies (MSAS)" - Disciplina: "Ética e Legislação" University Missouri State – EUA, Editor Chefe da Revista Direitos Sociais e Políticas Públicas (Qualis B1); Consultor Jurídico, Parecerista, Advogado. E-mail:

Henriqueta Fernanda C.A.F. Lima, Centro Universitário de Maringá - UNICESUMAR

Mestranda em Direito pelo Centro Universitário de Maringá/PR – UNICESUMAR; Juíza de Direito do Tribunal de Justiça do Estado de Mato Grosso.



How to Cite

Siqueira, D. P., & Lima, H. F. C. (2020). MULTIPARENTALITY AND THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE RIGHT OF PERSONALITY TO FOOD:. Law in Debate Journal, 29(54), 246–259.