Evaluation of medical records as a screening tool for non-prescription of benzodiazepines in older adults cared for by SUS





Benzodiazepines, List of potentially inappropriate medications, Medical records, Medication use


Benzodiazepines (BZDs) are medications that are considered inappropriate for older adults, as they present more risks than benefits. In this sense, it is worth analyzing whether medical records can be used to track down these patients in order to de-prescribe them. The aim of this study was to analyze the possibility of screening patients eligible for BZD deprescription using secondary data from older adults' medical records. A descriptive study was carried out using physical and electronic medical records of older adults treated in Primary Health Care (PHC) in a small municipality in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, from July to November 2020. The following parameters were used to identify potential patients who were candidates for deprescription: a) records of isolated insomnia or insomnia caused by a comorbidity already being treated; b) patients aged ≥ 60 years taking BZDs, regardless of their duration. Of the 332 medical records analyzed, 76.8% were female and 79.5% were aged 65 or over. Approximately 31% of the patients had had between one and three automatic prescription renewals (APRs) in the last 12 months and when considering the date of the first prescription, 72.6% of the older adults had been using the medication for more than six years. It was possible to identify that only 5.1% had one of the eligibility criteria for de-prescribing, since 60.8% of the medical records did not contain detailed information on the indication for BZDs. It is therefore impossible to use medical records as a screening strategy to identify potential candidates for BZD deprescription.


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How to Cite

Rodrigues, L. S., Tinoco, M. S., Silva, E. O. ., Mendonça, T. S. ., da Silva, L. G. R., de Oliveira, M. G. G., & Baldoni, A. O. (2024). Evaluation of medical records as a screening tool for non-prescription of benzodiazepines in older adults cared for by SUS. Revista Contexto &Amp; Saúde, 24(48), e14486. https://doi.org/10.21527/2176-7114.2024.48.14486

