Biochemical and sensitivity profile of Escherichia coli isolated from bovine mastitic milk




Saúde pública, microbiologia, mastite, bactérias, diagnóstico.


The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence, biochemical behavior and the profile of sensitivity and resistance of Escherichia coli strains isolated in the Northwest region of the State of Rio Grande do Sul (RS). A total of 919 samples of mastitic milk from the Northwest region of the State of RS were analyzed. Bacterial culture, biochemical and antibiogram tests were carried out at the Laboratory of Veterinary Microbiology at Unijuí. For the culture, was carried out to the sow of milk in sheep blood agar 5% and in MacConkey agar. The following biochemical tests were developed: hydrogen sulphide and indole gas production, motility, citrate, urease production, in addition to carbohydrate fermentation tests (glucose, arabinose, lactose, mannose, mannitol, sorbitol, sucrose and trehalose). As for the antibiogram, aliquots of milk were spread on Mueller Hinton agar, and the antibiotic discs were placed on this. It was observed in this research that Escherichia coli was one of the most prevalent bacterium in the studied region. The biochemical profile found was highly positive for glucose, lactose, maltose, mannitol, sorbitol, sucrose and trehalose tests. This bacterium showed greater antimicrobial sensitivity to enrofloxacin (92%), ciprofloxacin (85%) and gentamicin (82%), and resistance to penicillin (95%), ampicillin (86%) and erythromycin (80%). It is possible to verify that mastitis caused by Escherichia coli, represents an obstacle to milk production, due to the great impact caused to the sector, both economic and sanitary, in addition to the risks caused to public health.


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How to Cite

Ulsenheimer, B. C., Caduri, T. M., Dalla Rosa, S. K., Luciana Mori, & Luciane Ribeiro. (2022). Biochemical and sensitivity profile of Escherichia coli isolated from bovine mastitic milk. Context and Health Journal, 22(46), e10935.


