Good practice in the administration of medicines via probes in neonates: a cross-sectional study




Patient safety, medication errors, Intubation, gastrointestinal, neonatology


In the literature, there are studies related to the administration of medication via gastric and enteral tubes which describe failures, especially in adult patient care units. However, research in neonatal units is scarce. This study aimed to assess the degree of compliance with good practice in the process of administering drugs via gastric and enteral tubes in neonates. This is a quantitative, cross-sectional study carried out in the neonatology department of a public teaching hospital in Mato Grosso do Sul. Data were collected from January to April 2019, using an observational script based on the recommendations of the American Society for parenteral and Enteral Nutrition. One-third of the processes (33.7%) were classified as inadequate. Nursing technicians adhered less to recommended good practices compared to nurses (p=0.02) and those who work during the day had more inadequacies when compared to the ones who work at night (p=0.01). It can be noticed that the nursing team needs to fully adhere to the good practices recommended for the administration of medicines to reduce possible adverse risks events that could affect neonates.


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How to Cite

Higa, C. M. L., Cheade, M. de F. M., Frota, O. P., & Cardoso , A. I. de Q. (2024). Good practice in the administration of medicines via probes in neonates: a cross-sectional study. Context and Health Journal, 24(48), e13282.

