in childhood: parents 'experiences about the condition and their perspectives on child medication




PHDA, medicalização, progenitores, medicação


ABSTRACT: Over the last few decades, there has been an increase in the prevalence of the diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, as well as of the concomitant therapy with psychostimulants. Research in this area reports the existence of children receiving pharmacological treatment for this disorder without meeting the respective diagnostic criteria, which points to a possible medicalization of the behaviors considered as socially deviant. This study intended to know parents’ perspectives on the children's problems and explore their role in signaling and seeking treatment. Particular emphasis was placed on their perspectives on the effects of medication, efficacy and long-term impact. With this purpose were interviewed 25 parents whose children had diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and were being medicated for this purpose. Participants were selected using the non-probability sampling methods of convenience and snowball. Most participants identified a set of cognitive, behavioral and emotional problems in children. The results emphasize the role of the school in signaling problems and point out that the pressure exerted by others, the concern with school performance and the lack of control over children's behavior are the main factors that motivate medical consultation. Regarding the intervention, there was a prioritization of pharmacological treatment by health professionals and a positive perspective from parents about the effectiveness of the medication, regardless of the side effects it produces.

Author Biographies

Ana Luísa Monteiro, Universidade do Minho

Universidade do Minho

Paula Cristina Martins, Universidade do Minho

Universidade do Minho



How to Cite

Monteiro, A. L., & Martins, P. C. (2022). in childhood: parents ’experiences about the condition and their perspectives on child medication . Context and Health Journal, 22(46), e13528.


