Physiological and behavioral parameters of newborns undergoing their first bath in the hospital context: a scoping review
Newborn, Baths, Hospitals, ReviewAbstract
Objective: to map the scientific productions on the physiological and behavioral parameters of full-term newborns (NB) undergoing their first bath in the hospital context. Method: Method: scoping review developed in six databases, with searches carried out in September 2022. Experimental or observational studies were included, available in Portuguese, English and/or Spanish, without time frame. The methodological guidelines of the Joanna Briggs Institute international guide and the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR) were followed. Results: a total of 22 studies were selected for evidence synthesis, which were published between 1981 and 2022. Crying, agitation and body temperature parameters are influenced in NB’s first bath. Most studies recommended immersion bathing, postponed for 24 hours, given by health professionals in mother’s room/rooming-in setting, using radiant heater after bathing. Conclusion: all baths have impacts on NB’s physiological and behavioral stability. Nonetheless, postponing the first immersion bath by at least 24 hours maintains NB calmer, reduces the incidence of hypothermia, increases exclusive breastfeeding rates and skin-to-skin contact time.
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