Environmental impacts of the menu patterns of a university hospital in Uruguay





hospital feeding, greenhouse gases, water footprint, nutrition


Introduction: in hospital care, the provision of meals integrates the recovery process of patients. The foods that are used can affect the environment. Objective: to identify the characteristics of the different diet patterns, as well as the environmental impacts of the foods used in the menus of a Public University Hospital (PUH) in Uruguay. Methods: retrospective study using secondary data. The period investigated was 2021 and the first half of 2022. The prescriptions of total oral diets (OD) and supplemental diets (SD) were evaluated. The following variables were analyzed: a) energy value in kilocalories (kcal), b) water footprint (WF) - for OD; and for the inputs used in SD: c) energy value, and d) generation of greenhouse gases (GHG). Results: The PUH served 317,380 meals during the three semesters. Of the 24 options for prescribing OD, 13 types represented more than 93% of the total number of consultations. As for the 21 types of foods used in dietary prescriptions, 6 were of animal origin. In the environmental impact assessment, a difference of up to 51% in WF was identified between the types of OD. In SD, the group of enteral formulas for adults represented 88.37% of total consumption. The group of infant formulas had the greatest impact on GHG emissions. Conclusions: in addition to attention to dietary care, hospital food services should consider the environmental impacts in the provision of their meals.  


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How to Cite

Strasburg, V. J., Dergazarián, S. ., Nacaratto, S., & Suárez, C. . (2024). Environmental impacts of the menu patterns of a university hospital in Uruguay. Revista Contexto &Amp; Saúde, 24(48), e14133. https://doi.org/10.21527/2176-7114.2024.48.14133

