Esquada and its correlation with diet markers in health survey: validity evidences




health surveys, diet surveys, surveys and questionnaires, validation study


The study aimed to evaluate the correlation between ESQUADA and healthy and unhealthy eating markers. This is a psychometric study carried out with adults participating in the Population-Based Health Survey in the municipalities of Teresina and Picos. ESQUADA was used to evaluate diet quality, measured in scores and classified into five quality levels ranging from “very poor” to “excellent”. Eating habits were investigated with markers of healthy and unhealthy eating. The consumption frequencies obtained from the markers and the description of the dietary quality levels were ordered into categories, making them comparable. Kendall rank correlation coefficient was used in the study of correlation between frequencies, adopting a significance of 5%. The better the quality of the diet, according to ESQUADA, the healthier the individuals' diet, according to the markers. Agreements were observed ranging from 53% (cooked vegetables) to 62.5% (fruits and sugary drinks). The agreement analysis adds evidence of ESQUADA validity and endorses its use in health surveys, allowing the assessment of diet quality in line with the dietary guidelines for the Brazilian population.


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How to Cite

Costa e Silva, D. M., Santos, T. S. S., & Slater, B. (2024). Esquada and its correlation with diet markers in health survey: validity evidences. Revista Contexto &Amp; Saúde, 24(48), e14141.

