Evaluation of the degree of processing and ingredients of foods offered in complementary meals in a hospital





ultra-processed foods, sugars, fats, sodium, hospital nutrition service


Introduction: Hospital food must ensure, in addition to hygienic-sanitary safety, the nutritional quality of the meals offered. Objective: to analyze the degree of processing and the amount of fat, sugar and sodium in foods offered in complementary meals at a university public hospital (UPH). Methods: retrospective study, with analysis of secondary data provided by the UPH. The foods used in the complementary meals breakfast, afternoon snack and dinner for four consecutive weeks at the end of 2022 were evaluated. The degree of processing was analyzed, as well as the amounts of total sugars, total fat, saturated fat and sodium of the most served foods, in kilograms (kg), according to the ABC curve criterion. The data was evaluated using descriptive statistics. Results: The foods were categorized into four groups: beverages, bread and derivatives, fillings and fruits. Of the 161 items used, 18 represented more than 90% of the total offer in kg. Of the foods offered, 27% were classified as ultra-processed. The supply of sugar was mainly due to yogurt, boxed juices and the group of breads and derivatives. More than 90% of the saturated fat found originated from foods containing whole milk powder in its composition. Sodium was found in greater amounts in the bread and derivatives group. Ultra-processed foods were present in all types of complementary meals served. Conclusion: Due to the importance of hospital food for the health and recovery of the patient, attention is needed to the nutritional quality of foods offered as part of nutritional therapy.


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How to Cite

Strasburg, V. J., da Silva, L. Y., Silveira, J. T., Scheffer, P. A. ., & Staffa, S. R. A. (2024). Evaluation of the degree of processing and ingredients of foods offered in complementary meals in a hospital. Context and Health Journal, 24(48), e14341. https://doi.org/10.21527/2176-7114.2024.48.14341

