Insertion and management of peripherally inserted central catheter in high-risk newborns




Recém-nascido, Enfermagem neonatal, Cateterismo Periférico, Cateterismo Venoso Central


The objective of this study was to analyze data on the insertion and management of peripherally inserted central catheters (PICC) in high-risk newborns admitted to a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). This is a retrospective documentary study that included 333 PICC insertions in 204 high-risk newborns admitted to a reference NICU in the Ditrito Federal, Brazil, during the year 2022. Data were collected using a standardized form implemented by the institution's Hospital Infection Control Committee and supplemented by consultation of the patient’s electronic medical records. The research was submitted to the Research Ethics Committee and approved in 2022. The sample showed a slight predominance of females, with the majority of patients being premature and having an appropriate birth weight for gestational age. The average number of punctures was 2.44 (± 1.68). The mean dwell time was 10.65 (± 7.13) days. Older patients underwent more puncture attempts, as well as those with a higher weight at insertion. Central catheters had a longer dwell time and fewer complications. The most prevalent complications were infection, obstruction, and infiltration, with some of them leading to unscheduled removal of the device. The findings are consistent with current literature and highlight the importance of proper training for the nursing team in the insertion and management of the device.


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How to Cite

Freitas, K. K. A., Ribeiro, L. M., Lima, L. T. B., Beleza, L. de O., do Ouro, H. P., & Bezerra, A. J. R. (2025). Insertion and management of peripherally inserted central catheter in high-risk newborns. Revista Contexto & Saúde, 25(50), e14439.

